Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Daycare A Great Education, And A Healthy Upbringing Essay
You just had your first child and you’ve been at home for six months with them; nourishing and loving them. But then you realize that it’s time to go back to work and you need to put your child in a daycare. You can no longer afford being out of work. You are worried about how your child will react to a new surrounding and strangers. At this moment, you must make a big decision; whither or not you want your child to attend daycare or not. As a parent, you want your child to have every great opportunity in the world: a great education, and a healthy upbringing with strong values. Many parents contemplate whether to allow their preschool aged children to attend daycare or not. Daycare can help your child grow and teach them many things. However, some parents don’t want their child in daycare because they don’t want their child catching germs, or they are afraid of the other kids and how they will treat their child. Most parents are afraid of letting their ch ild be independent. There are many good things that can happen when your child goes to daycare; they can be social, learn new things, and learn how to become more independent. Some parents don’t think that their kids should be put into daycare. They say that it will increase their exposure to illness. Parents think their kids will catch more germs and get sick faster if they attend daycare. So, staying at home can prevent them from getting sick because they know that their homes are more sanitized than the daycare. TheyShow MoreRelatedThe Effects of Physical and Verbal Abuse on Children1666 Words  | 7 PagesMany abusive homes do not realize the affects it has on their children’s future with society. A numerous amount of these children carry baggage’s of pain and scars on their body. They leave home with being neglected and unloved during their upbringing. The common trail they take is an escape from that reality. In other words, abusive kids try to find something that will fill out their empty space. Usually turning to alcohol, drugs, parties, sex, and other things that puts them out of touchRead MoreThe Pros and Cons of Childcare Essay2107 Words  | 9 Pageshigher-quality childcare is expensive, and lower-income families can often not afford to enroll their children in such programs. If they are enrolled, it is likely to be in a lower-quality facility, where the children will not receive as adequate an education and experience. Additionally, if a child is enrolled in child care he/she may spend too much time away from their family, thereby loosening the familial bond. However, there are possible solutions that have the potential to outweigh the negativesRead MoreFreud, Erikson, And Piaget : Theories Of Developmental Psychology Essay2372 Words  | 10 Pageselaborate on why children do certain things, why children have developmental disorders, or even why some children have developmental delays. Although there are many theories regarding children development and how they are influences, theorist make some great points in the child development but with any theory come flaws such as developmental issues. Famous theorists Freud, Erikson, and Piaget all have different ideas on this topic. Freud was a psychiatrist who believed in unconscious activity of the mindRead MoreFamily Resource Management: An Anthology of Articles3988 Words  | 16 Pagescontrary to how eating disorders such as binge eating are portrayed in the media, the causes of the recent obesity epidemic can be partially traced to the holistic influence that the family can have upon the individual. Families tend to have similar healthy or unhealthy habits, conditions, and BMIs. Of course, this might be partially attributed to genetics. However, it was also found that friends had a powerful influence upon the health behaviors of family members. Having family and friends who wereRead MoreWork-Life Balance : a Comparative Study of South-East Asian Countries6004 Words  | 25 Pagessocial connections defined by reciprocity, mutual obligation, a sense of goodwill and pe rsonal affection. Filial piety A love and respect for one s parents and ancestors and a responsibility to care for them is a common aspect of Chinese upbringing. In Confucian thought, filial piety is one of the virtues to be cultivated. In a study (Fuligni Zhang, 2004) conducted of 700 10th and 12th grade students in China, it was found that despite the social and economic transformation occurring, both
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